About the Journal

“QIJMHS” is an open access, international, peer-reviewed medical journal. QIJMHS is dedicated to publishing research in medical science from all disciplines and therapeutic areas of medical science or practice. The journal has a broad coverage of relevant topics across medical science or practice. The types of articles accepted include original research articles, review articles, editorial, case reports, adverse drug reactions, short communications etc. It is published biannually and available in online version.
Salient Features of the Journal
• Bibliographic information: online: e-ISSN 2636-9478
• Free access, peer reviewed, international, medical and health science journal
• Includes all medical and dental specialties
• Unique and extensive author support
• Regularly published twice in a year.
• Quick and easy communication between editors and authors
• Multidisciplinary – wide scope journal
• Email submission
• Pre-publication peer review
• Free full text availability of articles
• Email notifications on new issue release
• Regularly crawled by all major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN)
• Free access, peer reviewed, international, medical and health science journal
• Includes all medical and dental specialties
• Unique and extensive author support
• Regularly published twice in a year.
• Quick and easy communication between editors and authors
• Multidisciplinary – wide scope journal
• Email submission
• Pre-publication peer review
• Free full text availability of articles
• Email notifications on new issue release
• Regularly crawled by all major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN)
Specialties Covered
Anaesthesia, Anatomy, Animal Research, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Cardiology, Community, Dermatology, Dentistry, Medical education, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Ethics,
Ear Nose and Throat, Forensic, Gastroenterology, Genetics, Haematology, Health Management and Policy, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Intensive Care, Internal Medicine, Microbiology, Health Management and Policy, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Intensive Care, Internal Medicine, Microbiology, Nephrology / Renal, Neurology and Neuro-Surgery,
Nutrition, Oncology, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Neonatology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Pathology, Plastic Surgery, Psychiatry/Mental Health, Rehabilitation, Radiology, Medical statistics, Surgery

The journal is published by Quest International University (QIU), Perak, Malaysia. QIU has a primary objective to stimulate and facilitate research publications.
Quest International University Perak (QIU) (DU021(A)) is a private and comprehensive research-led university established under the Higher Educational Institutions Act 555 and owned by Global Integrated Training Associates Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Blair Education Services Sdn. Bhd) in the State of Perak, Malaysia on 12th June 2008 in which the State Government of Perak has equity participation along with the QI Group. At QIU, we believe that planting the seeds of curiosity in students from the beginning will inspire them to make ‘knowledge-seeking’ their quest in life.
As a private comprehensive university, students are our top priority. To engage the students and instill in them the hunger of knowledge, we believe in blending theory and practice in education.
We ensure that our programmes are industry-relevant using motivational teaching methods which are highly effective. QIU graduates will emerge from the University as florets leaving the plant, ready for the job market and will continue their quest to seek and learn.
At QIU, we focus not just on academics but also on instilling students with the “green” concept, where love for the environment and the community is nurtured amongst them. All QIU graduates will grow to become well-rounded citizens with an excellent education and a caring heart not just for other fellow humans but for the environment and Earth as well.